
Bully Boy won't meet with Cindy and Cedric on John H. Johnson

Elaine with you while Rebecca's on vacation. Rebecca phoned today and the first thing I asked her is what many e-mails have asked: When is she coming back? She thinks at the end of the month. But warns it might be the day after Labor Day. She says hello to everyone, that she misses everyone and that she wants Sherry to know she's decided she'll take men in bikinis over baggy bathing suits because "the bulges are more noticeable." "Tell them," she added, "those are the sort of non-deep things I've been contemplating." But she's been contemplating deep things as well.

I'll be with you until Rebecca's back. She asked that and if you can continue to put up with me, I'll continue filling in for her.

Now let's note Democracy Now! (for Mike and for the importance of real news).

Bush Won't Meet With Sheehan, But He'll Talk About Her
President Bush emerged from his ranch in Crawford, Texas yesterday and addressed for the first time the rapidly growing antiwar protest outside of his property. What began as a one woman vigil has now grown into the central antiwar action in the US. Before this week, there was very little coverage in the corporate media of antiwar families whose loved ones have been killed in Iraq, but now Cindy Sheehan--whose son Casey was killed in Iraq-- has grabbed international headlines by camping out in Crawford.
President Bush, speaking to reporters on Thursday:
"This is America. She has a right to her position, and I thought long and hard about her position. I've heard her position from others, which is: Get out of Iraq now. And it would be a mistake for the security of this country and the ability to lay the foundations for peace in the long run if we were to do so."
President Bush has thus far refused to meet with Cindy Sheehan at his ranch, instead sending emissaries. Sheehan has vowed to remain in Crawford until Bush agrees to meet her. She has also indicated she may camp out at the White House once Bush returns from yet another vacation. He has taken more than 320 days of vacation since assuming the presidency 5 years ago.

Bully Boy had to make a statement. Why did he have to make a statement? Because people are talking about this issue. That's you, that's me. We need to continue to talk about it. People Magazine is doing a story on Cindy Sheehan. Read the story in line at the super market. If you like it, buy the magazine (if you have the money) and pass it on. You can give it to a friend. You can leave it in a break room at work.

"What if a right winger finds it, picks it up and throws it in the trash?" What if. S/he saw it and knows people are seeing it. Think of it as your "nah-nah" for the day.

There's, I believe, a sample of the article available online. It's by Stephen M. Silverman and entitled "President Bush Will Not Meet Grieving Mom." I haven't read the full article (I go grocery shopping tomorrow and will read it while I'm in line) but if you read it and you think it's a good telling of the story, pick it up (if you can afford it) and pass it on.

Think how wonderful it would be if this edition of People Magazine was one of their best selling issues of the year, think what that would demonstrate.

Now I want to note something from The Common Ills today:

Martha e-mails to note Eugene Kane's "Publisher's influence is sadly overlooked" (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel):
In Johnson's magazines, the accomplishments of black people were detailed in depth, as opposed to the usual reports of dysfunction and mayhem other major magazines and newspapers of the time used to define black people.
He was a major figure in American journalism.
So it was disappointing this week to see many major news organizations apparently felt Johnson's death paled in comparison to that of news anchor Peter Jennings, a respected professional but nowhere in the same league with Johnson in terms of historical significance. I believe if Ted Turner or Rupert Murdoch had died this week, their obituaries would have been on the front pages of most U.S. papers.
John H. Johnson deserved no less recognition.
One reason he didn't make front-page news most places is that the mainstream news media isn't filled with people who grew up with Ebony and Jet in their living rooms.
Just as missing white women dominate the news cycle while missing women of color get ignored, the death of a noteworthy black figure often shows how little most members of the conventional media know about non-white heroes.

Martha thinks this should be noted (I agree) and wants it noted who's talked about this. I can toss out Cedric's "
Anybody talking about John H. Johnson? Why not?" and Mike's interview with Jim but I'm sure there are others making the point.
Wednesday we noted seven articles on Johnson and concluded with the following:
We've noted Johnson twice this week already. But since it appears that there is a feeding frenzy over a "pretty, blond gone missing" (who knew Jennings was blond?) means Johnson gets overlooked. Now maybe there's not footage of Johnson yucking it up while fully dressed above the waist and just wearing boxers below, but Johnson did accomplish a great deal. So we'll take the time to again note his passing.]
It is an issue. It's one that some aren't even grasping is an issue but it is an issue. There will be something at
The Third Estate Sunday Review this Sunday. There are two ideas being tossed around currently and we're all in agreement that at least one will go up even if we're not pleased with the final draft. It is important, the way this has played out in the press and that's all I'll say at this point so I don't blow any input I could offer on The Third Estate Sunday Review pieces in this. (Also, this topic makes me angry and these mid-morning entries are written quickly with not a great deal of time to reflect on them before they go up.) I will say that Kane's point are strong and I agree with them. It's a shame that in the "era of the blogs" this is an issue that's been addressed mainly by print columnists. I'll also say that it seems to me that Kane's column is the strongest thing in print thus far on this topic. (To read it, click here.)

This is an issue. It's an issue because the press has stopped covering the news to go into tributes on Peter Jennings. Whether he deserves them or not is beside the point when another man passed away who was a giant to many. And his death, John H. Johnson's death, is greeted with silence by comparison. Jennings achieved his dream which was to broadcast the news. Johnson achieved his dream which was to build up magazines from scratch and to own his own business.
Johnson's death, coming after so much coverage of Michael Jackson, isn't a big deal to the press and, intended or not, the message is sent that the mainstream press will wallow in covering an African-American who's accused of a crime and it will ignore noting the death of a man who built a business up from scratch. One story degrades, one uplifts.

People who are asking why the death of John H. Johnson has been so little noted have a perfectly reasonable question. And I'll give credit to C.I. (who's been on this from the start), Cedric, Mike and Jim for raising the issue. If you haven't read Cedric's entry, please do. I'll give you a sample of it.

"Anybody talking about John H. Johnson? Why not?" (Cedric's Big Mix):

Wednesday night is a church night so if you get an entry on a Wednesday, you better know it means something to me. I'm tired and sleepy and just got back from church but there's something that's bothered me all week.
Did you know that Peter Jennings died? I guess you did. I guess you couldn't listen to the radio or the TV without knowing about it. I guess you think he's the only one who died in the last few days. There were actually quite a few people who died.
One of them was John H. Johnson.He started and published Jet and Ebony. Now I'm guessing if you never heard of them you don't get that those were important magazines. They helped fight stereotypes and they also helped people see what blacks could be and were. Back in the day, you didn't have Dr. Huxtable and the Huxtable clan. You didn't have a Denzel or anyone like that. If you saw a black person on your TV set they were usually a criminal or a maid or some servent. Now maybe they were a guest star on a musical special. That's about the most that could be hoped for.
My grandparents can tell you about it, my mother can tell you about it. (My father could tell you about it if he were still alive.)
You know when you pick up People Magazine and all the people in the ads are white? That's pretty common. Ebony & Jet were important enough that Johnson could get advertisers to use black people in the ads.
And not only did they uplift a people and inspire by offering something other than the usual stereotypes, the magazines could also address politics and civil rights. All of this was dreamed up by John H. Johnson. He knew we could support a magazine, support more than one magazine. Nobody opened the doors and said, "Man, let me give you some money to start up." He had to take out a long using his mother's furniture. That's how he started out. How he ended up was as the owner of two important magazines. In my community, his death is a big topic. He was a major businessman. He was a success story.

We can say we're all in this together but we have to back up the talk. We can say everyone's included, but we have to include everyone.

"Peace Quotes" (Peace Center)
In separateness lies the world's great misery; in compassion lies the world's true strength.


"Let us plant dates even though those who plant them will never eat them"

Elaine here while Rebecca's on vacation. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was bored with me and thinking "enough already" but thank you to everyone who's written nice e-mails. I'll be as glad as everyone when Rebecca's back but the e-mails have really made it fun and encouraged me so thank you to everyone.

And for Mike, we'll make a point to make the first link to Democracy Now!

Cindy Sheehan Vigil Gains Support From Congress
Meanwhile, in Crawford, Texas Cindy Sheehan is continuing her vigil outside the ranch where President Bush is once again vacationing. And her campaign is gaining momentum and support. Sheehan, of course, grabbed headlines in recent days since she began camping near President Bush's ranch. She is the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq. As more military families arrived from several states to join Sheehan, 38 members of Congress signed a letter asking Bush to meet with her. On Saturday, National Security Advisor Steven Hadley and Deputy White House Chief of Staff Joe Hagin met with Sheehan briefly, but she called the exchange "pointless" and has said she will stay in Crawford until the president meets with her.

"Why for Mike?" Sherry asked in her e-mail. I'm not net savy. As I understand it, links add to popularity. So the point in linking to Democracy Now! is to provide a link that's worth linking to. The easiest way for me to picture it in my head is with citations but I think I can simplify it.
If you're listening to the radio and you hear a song, you may not buy the song. But the number of times the song gets played is calculated. So the number of times Democracy Now! gets a link is calculated as well. And I'd rather do my part to make Democracy Now! a heavily cited source than to offer up something from MSNBC or something similar.

So Cindy's still out there in the hot summer sun, out in Crawford. And Billie e-mailed this morning to say that she was on her way out there. What did you do for Cindy Sheehan today?
Did you find someone to discuss her vigil with? Did you manage to work her into the conversation?

Maybe you don't live nearby the way Billie does or maybe you can't take off from work but you can do something. You can raise awareness for starters.

There is so much excitement around the brave stand that Cindy Sheehan is taking. You can do your part to add to the excitement. This is how movements really get going.

You can also call your local paper and your local TV stations and ask that they cover Cindy Sheehan or that they cover her more if they are covering her.

I really just want to focus on Cindy Sheehan tonight because I think we're all very excited by her bravery and strength. We've seen little of that from our elected officials and to see real bravery like this inspires us and reminds us of what we can do.

Cindy Sheehan is there for her son Casey Sheehan and for all the other sons and daughters, for all the citizens here and in Iraq. What's so amazing to me is how many people are supporting her in whatever way they can. Supporting her is supporting all of us. It's saying our government is accountable and it's saying that we do make a difference, each of us.

It's empowering and truth and bravery usually are. When we see apathy all around us, it's easy to think, "Well what difference can I make?" By the same token, when we see someone lay it on the line, it can inspire us to be more than we would otherwise.

Cindy Sheehan's presenting us with a wonderful gift, bravery and truth. We need to support that and we need to make sure that we inform the people in our lives that we stand behind her. So keep getting the word out and keep the faith.

"Peace Quotes" (Peace Center)
Let us plant dates even though those who plant them will never eat them. We must live by the love of what we will never see. This is the secret discipline. It is a refusal to let the creative act be dissolved away in immediate sense experience, and a stubborn commitment to the future of our grandchildren. Such disciplined love is what has given prophets, revolutionaries, and saints the courage to die for the future they envisaged. They make their own bodies the seed of their highest hope.
Ruben Alves, Tomorrow's Child


Cindy Sheehan and Kevin Benderman

Elaine still filling in for Rebecca while she's on vacation. I've been trying to post closer to her time but that's not easy and tonight I had to go to a function for a colleague.

For Mike, I'll note Democracy Now!

More Military Families Join Cindy Sheehan in Texas (Democracy Now!)
In Texas, more military families are heading to Crawford to join Cindy Sheehan in an ongoing vigil in Crawford where President Bush is vacationing. Sheehan has threatened to stay in Crawford until the president agrees to meet with her. Sheehan's son Casey died last year in Iraq. He was 24 years old. Military families from Washington, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Alabama, Missouri, Georgia and Arkansas are expected to join Sheehan at the vigil site. "He doesn't have any children in harm's way. You know, if there are more soldiers and marines killed today, it's not going to worry him if one of them is his daughter," said Sheehan. "I mean, he's insulated. He's safe. Nobody in this administration has to worry about their children. And if I have to stay out here all month in this heat, it's nothing compared to what our soldiers are going through or what the people of Iraq are going through."

I hope everyone's paying attention to Cindy Sheehan. Tomorrow's the day she's been threatened with arrest. I asked Billie how hot it was in Texas and she said it's pretty hot. Over the weekend, and Billie's a little north of where Sheehan is, they did hit one hundred degrees. Billie says that's not at all uncommon for August in Texas. She said today was semi-cool for a few mid-day hours because there was a brief (less than twenty minutes) rain. Billie's planning on going there tomorrow to show her support for Sheehan. She's put in for a vacation day to do so.

That's not to make anyone else feel guilty. I'd love to be there but I can't drop my patients. What I can do is get the word out and call my local paper to ask why they aren't covering this. (Their response? They ran an article this weekend. Not good enough and I expressed that to them.) That's something we can all do. But we don't need to depend on the mainstream media to do our work for us which is why Mike has been saying (and C.I. as well) that we need to get the word out to everyone we know. (Kat also had a great thing on that.)

Movements do not happen overnight. This one has been a long time coming but the people are behind it. The questions Cindy Sheehan wants answered are questions that many are already asking. Her bravery means something to those of us who know what she's doing but don't assume that everyone already knows about it. Or that if they know about it, they've gotten the facts on what's happening. Cindy Sheehan is being attacked by the right wing echo chamber.

I don't think that honestly hurts. I think they're overplaying their hand the way that they did with the Terry Schiavo issue. People are recoiling from the attacks from, for instance, Bill O'Reilly.

But this is up to us. Don't count on the mainstream media. Even if they could grasp what's going on, that doesn't mean they'd push the story. I really don't think they grasp very much. I'm coming it at from my profession and it's rare that someone writes on my field in the mainstream press without making a major error. Reporters aren't trained in everything they cover. They are trained in how to cover and sometimes they forget what they were taught but even when they remember, they still make mistakes.

So don't count on them. If you believe in what Cindy Sheehan's doing, be the media and get the word out.

And we can do more than one thing at a time. So let's also try to pay attention to what's going on with Kevin Benderman. Sherry sent an article to C.I. for me. (Remember, if you want to e-mail, e-mail to common_ills@yahoo.com and C.I., Ava or Jess will forward it to me.)

"Homegrown Resistance" by Stan Goff (CounterPunch)
On July 29th, Sergeant Kevin Benderman was sent to prison for 15 months for filing a conscientious objector application with the Army. This did not come out in his court martial because the court ruled early on that not one word was to be spoken in his defense that relied on his moral objection to the war in Iraq and--for Benderman--all wars of aggression. Because the court could not convict Benderman directly for conscientious objection, a right guaranteed by federal law, they rejected his application without showing adequate cause and forced him to refuse--in accordance with his stated moral objection to the war--redeployment to Iraq. They then multiply charged him with preposterous accusations--including larceny and desertion--in an attempt to intimidate him with the possibility of seven years in prison. At the end of the day on July 29th, only one charge stuck--intentionally missing movement--for which they gave him a stiff 15 months at the Fort Lewis, Washington stockade. The missing movement charge itself had to be trumped up with a series of shifting statements from a senior NCO about the verbal content of a 45-minute meeting. Even the normally timid Amnesty International has publicly acknowledged that Kevin Benderman is "a prisoner of conscience."
Monica Benderman, Kevin's life-partner, has been an active and articulate political-partner throughout this drama--a drama that, despite the Pentagon's efforts to spin, conceal, and minimize, has only served to highlight the dignity of exercising real freedom from within a cell and the utter decadence of those who never cease talking about freedom as an abstraction
while they try to bomb and imprison their way out of another resistance.
Neither the administration nor the Pentagon wants anyone to understand this paradox of freedom--real freedom, the existential kind, not that bombast flowing out of Rove's beleaguered office like an overflowing toilet.
Soldiers and soldier's families are constantly instructed on something called courage. People can only hear that word so many times before they begin to actually reflect on what it means; and the briefest reflection reveals something much deeper than the pumped-up physical bravado required to engage in gunfights with strangers.

Keep Kevin and Monica Benderman in your thoughts and try to follow what's happening with his appeal. I think "rail roaded" may be too mild a word for what was done to him. "Screwed" is more fitting.

"Peace Quotes" (Peace Center)
The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
Steve Biko


Monica Benderman

Elaine here, still with you while Rebecca's on vacation. For those needing a Rebecca fix, she wrote a preface to a blog spotlight at Third Estate Sunday Review on something I wrote and on something C.I. wrote. In addition, she participated in the roundtable. So if you haven't already gotten your Rebecca fix, head over there quickly.

Iraqi Police Open Fire On Demonstrators
U.S. backed-Iraqi police offices opened fire on a crowd of Iraqis demonstrating in the town of Samawah. More than 1,000 people had taken to the streets to demand electricity, jobs and water. This marks the third summer that the residents of Iraq has suffered without regular electricity or water. Demonstrators threw stones at the governor's office and members of a Shiite militia were seen moving around the streets carrying grenade launchers. According to the Times of London, more than 50 people were wounded including 18 police officers. One demonstrator died.

I want to now move to Monica Benderman. She's the wife of Kevin Benderman and we've discussed him here. The military tried to railroad him with a larceny charge that got tossed out.
Today, Monica Benderman has her say.

Is Being a Conscientious Objector Now Criminal? (CounterPunch)
As I am certain you are all aware, my husband, Sgt. Kevin Benderman, was sentenced to 15 months confinement, loss of rank, forfeiture of pay and a dishonorable discharge last week, the charge being "Missing Movement" or failure to get on a plane. In actuality, the charge was "filing a Conscientious Objector packet against the recommendation of his commander, who had no intention of allowing my husband to follow his conscience, and therefore serving notice to the rest of our military that they should not follow suit."
I need to assure you that I do not make this statement out of anger, but rather by simply pointing to the facts. Not only did my husband's commander address this in a public comment to the media, the prosecutor used this in his closing statements, and the military representative was adamant about this in his public comments to the media immediately following my husband’s court martial.
I am not writing out of anger. I am writing to request the opportunity to meet with one of you to discuss my husband's case from our point of view, as this has not been allowed to this point. Even in my husband's court martial, he was not allowed to discuss his beliefs, his reasons, or the fact that he has given 10 years of honorable service to his country, including a combat tour in Iraq, for which he received two Army commendation medals for meritorious service.
My husband's case for Conscientious Objection was brushed aside and mishandled so that his entire career of service came down to a meeting with his Command Sgt. Major that lasted less than one hour. My husband's testimony regarding this meeting has remained unchanged, as has my witness to that meeting. The Command Sgt. Major's testimony was re-written and sworn to on at least 5 separate occasions, each testimony contradicting another, even as they were presented in my husband’s court martial.
In fairness to each of you, to the US Army, to the people of this country and mostly to my husband, who is paying the price for being falsely charged, I am respectfully requesting that the appeal process for his case be allowed to proceed without delay, and that he be given fair treatment not only in a re-presentation of the facts surrounding his court martial, but that he also be given the opportunity to have his application for Conscientious Objector status reconsidered as well.

You can find updates on Kevin Benderman at BendermanDefense.org. As Cindy Sheehan takes a stand that our senators seem to have trouble taking (there's a lot more bravery in the House, especially in the Black Caucus), maybe we can finally start to ask serious questions about this occupation/invasion. Not keep debating tactics, but get to the heart of the issue. Everyone's weary of the rising death toll.

The administration sold us a war built on lies and the press pushed it. Truth comes out though and it's coming out now. The idea that we can't have a national dialogue on this issue is a myth. We can have it and we need to have it.

I want to note Monica Benderman again.

Memorandum from Monica Benderman (BendermanDefense.org)
Taking a stand for what we believe, for a commitment to seeing that peace happens and that those who threaten this peace are neutralized does not have to involve weapons meant for killing. Animals on this earth were given their weapons; teeth, claws and a ravage tenacity to protect what is theirs and keep "enemies" at bay. Humanity was given something much different, a far more significant weapon. Humanity was given a mind. Somewhere along the way, we have forgotten the power of our mind and what it can be used for. It became easy to create weapons of destruction, far easier than to use our minds to think and create strong principles for preventing the use of these weapons. We believe that we should take pride in our abilities to use our mental strength. We believe that we should develop this asset and work with courage toward peace by drafting positive resolutions, knowing that while the implementation of these resolutions will result in some loss, it will be far less than the loss we face with weapons of destruction in our hands, no different than "the enemy" facing us.

That's where Monica Benderman is and where a number of us are. We can talk about the issues that our leaders don't want to and we can force the national discussion that should have taken place before the invasion. But that means we have to start the conversation and we have to keep it going.

"Peace Quotes" (Peace Center)
You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.
Malcolm X


Cindy Sheehan

For Mike, I'll start out by noting Democracy Now!

Mother of Soldier Killed in Iraq Protests Near Bush's Ranch (Democracy Now!)
In Texas a mother whose son was killed in Iraq has begun a month-long protest in Crawford in an attempt to meet with President Bush who is vacationing there at his ranch. Cindy Sheehan was joined on Saturday by 50 other anti-war activists. The Secret Service blocked the group from approaching the President's ranch and they were forced to gather four miles away from the site. Sheehan's son Casey was killed last year in Sadr City at the age of 24. She told reporters, "I want to ask George Bush: Why did my son die?"

Cindy Sheehan is taking a brave stand and you can learn more about it by visiting CODEPINK where they have a way for you to show support and a list of articles. Here's one you can find a link to.

"Letter from Cindy Sheehan, mother of killed Iraq Soldier" (U.S. Labor Against The War)
Dear Friends and Supporters,

George Bush said speaking about the dreadful loss of life in Iraq in August: (08/03/05): "We have to honor the sacrifices of the fallen by completing the mission." "The families of the fallen can be assured that they died for a noble cause." In reaction to these two assinine and hurtful statements, members of Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP) are going to George's vacation home in Crawford, Tx this Saturday, August 6th at 11:00 am to confront him on these two statements. 1) We want our loved ones' sacrifices to be honored by bringing our nation's sons and daughters home from the travesty that is Iraq IMMEDIATELY, since this war is based on horrendous lies and deceptions. Just because our children are dead, why would we want any more families to suffer the same pain and devastation that we are? 2) We would like for him to explain this "noble cause" to us and ask him why Jenna and Barbara are not in harm's way, if the cause is so noble. 3) If George is not ready to send the twins, then he should bring our troops home immediately. We will demand a speedy withdrawal. GSFP will be joined by members of Veteran's for Peace (VFP), Military Families Speak Out (MFSO), Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Code Pink, and Crawford Peace House. We GSFP members will not leave until we get answers from George Bush. We deserve and expect him to welcome us with answers to as why our loved ones are dead. Every worker for peace, every worker for justice, every person who wants our country back are welcomed to join us on Saturday. Show George Bush that we mean business. Be there to support us family members who have already been through so much. We are fighting for our country, our world, especially the children. Crawford is about 2 hours from Dallas where the VFP Convention is being held this weekend. There will be car pools from the convention.

Yes, that was this past weekend, but since Bully Boy won't meet with her, Cindy Sheehan's brave vigil goes on.

If you checked out The Common Ills today, you know that there are rumors that Sheehan will be arrested Thursday, if she continues her vigil, as a "threat to national security." Threat to Bully Boy's ever drooping image is more like it.

I agree with C.I. that Bully Boy couldn't make a bigger mistake than arresting Sheehan. If he does, watch the international community come alive. Watch other countries we lecture out about democracy and human rights trumpet that free speech isn't allowed in the United States. Watch allies recoil in shock at the way we treat Sheehan.

Sheehan's brave. I doubt she'll back down. And it won't make for good press for the Bully Boy if she's arrested.

There's a great editorial by The Third Estate Sunday Review (posted at The Common Ills due to problems The Third Estate Sunday Review is having with their site) entitled "Editorial: Cindy Sheehan puts most of us to shame." She does put us to shame.

Mike was having time issues this evening so he asked me to note the other sites. So we're going to check in. I'll start with C.I. and I'll fall back to two things. "Did the 'Night Letter' cause the riots in Afghanistan? Have you heard of it?" is a favorite of mine because it deals with the Newsweek controversy and tells you, actually, the riots in Afghanistan were probably caused not by Newsweek but by a "Night Letter." Next, I'll note "Jane Mayer's 'The Experiment' (The New Yorker)" which addresses Mayer's article that wasn't available online. At The Third Estate Sunday Review, I'll recommend the latest roundtable (on sexism and racism). Kat's done some great things but I prefer the thing where she talks about music and how it matters to her, "Two new reviews today." Mike's done many amazing things as well but my favorite lately is "Learn to play defense." Betty never ceases to make me laugh and I'm still laughing at her "Thomas Friedman makes the party by not attending." Cedric hits hard and that bravery is inspiring and, of his pieces thus far, my favorite is "When we going to make it onscreen?" As for Rebecca, I can't pick one. So I'll go with Mike's favorite, Rebecca on The Common Ills.

"Peace Quotes" (Peace Center)
In the name of peace

They waged the wars
ain't they got no shame
Nikki Giovanni, The Great Pax Whitie, 1979